Sunday, October 17, 2010

Overbilled city should get reinstate CityTime should be probed says Brooklyn pol Letitia James

City officials to CityTime consultants: Pay up.Outraged Brooklyn Councilwoman Letitia James wants the city to get a reinstate from the high-paid consultants hired to work on a computerized payroll plan that devolved in to an owing and overbudget fiasco."The city should get a prejudiced reinstate since they were overbilled," pronounced James, perfectionist an review in to the barbarous CityTime system.The Daily News Friday laid unclothed the debacle: 230 consultants consequence an normal of $400,000 a year for their work on the high-tech time-keeping plan that is 7 years late and 10 times the strange price.CityTime, undertaken in 1998, was ostensible to put the kibosh on city workers punching the time for their friends by converting to biometric scanners - and saving New York $60 million a year.The timekeeping and payroll system, that will cover 80 agencies, was ostensible to be finished in 2003.The new deadline is Sept. thirty after the module perceived a $139 million extension, that City Controller John Liu is auditing.Liu says the cost tab for the still-in-development module has ballooned to $722 million - due in piece to the sky-high payouts to consultants.Eleven of them pulled in some-more than $600,000 annually, with 3 raking in as most as $676,000, according to papers performed underneath a Freedom of Information request.And the 40 top earners on the plan banked at slightest $500,000 a year, files show.James, who has hold 3 hearings on the CityTime contracts, pronounced the salaries are "outrageous" and the consultants should be transposed with city workers."This is the same use metropolitan workers could perform at a most reduce rate," she said.James vowed to press the citys Department of Investigations and the Manhattan district profession to examine the project.The city shielded CityTime - that includes involuntary time clocks on personal computers - Friday."It has taken longer and cost some-more than any one could have imagined, but we do need the project," pronounced Mayor Bloombergs orator Marc LaVorgna."The city needs a complicated complement to manage hundreds of thousands of employees operative underneath hundreds of singular and formidable work agreements, and the apportionment of the complement that is on line, covering 50,000 people, does in actuality work and functions well."Liu deemed CityTime a "money pit.""As the city is faced with ever-expanding bill gaps and use cuts, each dollar of taxpayer monies outlayed warrants ever some-more inspection to safeguard correct budgetary decisions," he said.Even Bloomberg conceded 3 weeks ago CityTime is "a disaster" after The News initial unprotected the sharpening
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